Responding to the wave of technology 4.0, Robots are being applied in all areas of production and life, bringing many drastic changes to the economy, especially in the field of electronics and semiconductor industry. Robot application in automatic production lines to help people work in dangerous and toxic environments; automation of repetitive tasks; reduces error rates to negligible levels and allows workers to focus on other more productive tasks. Let Autotech Machinery take a look at the top 10 applications of robots in the electronics and semiconductor industry.

Top 10 Applications of Robots in Electronics and Semiconductor Industry

1. Robot application in circuit board assembly

If in mechanical engineering manufacturing, roughing and honing of materials, robots are used the most, in the electronics and semiconductor industry, automated circuit board assembly is one of the most used robotic processes. With the specific nature of the work that requires meticulous, careful, repeat the manipulations, etc. so the presence of robots is a great automation solution towards a smart manufacturing process. 

Smart factory with automated circuit board assembly robot system

Applying circuit board assembly robots to automated production lines reduces costs and improves quality throughout the entire production process. The robots can handle display screens, assemble connectors, build assemblies and overlay boards. Furthermore, they can apply glue and other adhesives extensively, perform inspections, test commissioning, package and stack finished products.

2. Application of robots in quality inspection

The quality inspection process is one of the last tasks humans take on in automated factories. And requires employees to constantly monitor every aspect of the production line to detect unusual problems because even the smallest errors can lead to disruption and limit the automated production line

Therefore, the replacement of manual visual inspection methods or sensors with robot inspection is an optimal automation solution, helping the production process to take place smoothly and fully automation including data collection and analysis.

3. Application of robots in stress testing

Electronics that are designed to be hard-wearing often need to undergo some form of stress testing. For example, in “highly accelerated life testing” the product is tested to breaking point.

With that being said, you can use robots in stress testing because they can consistently apply physical forces to the product in a way that emulates real-world stresses.

4. Robot application in product packaging

The use of automated packaging robots in the production activities of the electronics and semiconductor industry is very important. It brings the most effective automation solution for businesses to have the smartest and most economical investment.

Robot application in automated packaging brings high working efficiency

The benefits can’t skip that Robots in product packaging bring to e-businesses such as:

  • The operation of the packaging robot is fast and highly automated so it helps businesses save costs perfectly for hiring workers.
  • Highlight accuracy, stability and less trouble.
  • Ensure safety when collaborating with people
  • The robot can be installed with many different programs, so it is very convenient to apply in practice.

5. Robot application in box palletizing

The final stage of the automated production line before products leave the door is usually tertiary packaging in the form of palletizing. This is a job that requires a lot of human labor and safety at work.

Robotic palletizer for goods help improve the safe working environment for workers

Therefore, the presence of robots in this cycle will bring many benefits in many industries, including the electronics and semiconductor industry. The application of robots in palletizing goods will become easier and more flexible, reducing labor, increasing working speed and labor safety of workers.

6. Robot application in cleanroom handling

Many electronic components manufacturing tasks require a cleanroom handling environment. As a result, robots are ideal for cleanroom handling of products as they are extremely unlikely to contaminate the environment.

7. Robot application in high-speed pick and place

During the picking and placing stage, the robot integrated into the automated production line will do the placing of the goods to the predetermined position according to the pre-programmed program for the robot. This speeds up product picking, automation placing, and optimizes production for factories.

Automatic picking and placing robot help to process goods faster than traditional labor use

8. Robot application in 3D printing

Added substance fabricating has as of late been changing the electronics and semiconductor industry. It has been for both the plan and prototyping period of item advancement and the making of the eventual outcomes. The prospects of 3D printing with a robot are immense as they do not have similar limitations as other 3D printing strategies. Robot is a great automation solution that prints results of any size. For instance, 3D printing can be used to create personalized electronics crates, USB memory stick cases, and keyboards.

The application of 3D printing robots in the production of electronic components and semiconductor helps create many high-value products

9. Robot application in product testing

Electronics and semiconductor items must go through quality testing as part of the inspection process. These are troublesome jobs for workers and time consuming in the production automation process.

A robot is a perfect option for tending product testing machines. This is because it leaves the person free to do more value-added tasks.

10. Application of robots in spray painting

Electronics and semiconductor products often need to go through a painting process before they go to market and spray painting is one of the best, economical and effective methods. Compared with manual painting, which is both labor-intensive and toxic, and has a negative impact on human health, integrating robots in production automation  to spray paint offers huge consistency benefits, especially helping people minimize exposure to hazardous, repetitive and prolonged jobs.

The great value Robot brings to the electronics and semiconductor industry

Robots bring great benefits to the electronics and semiconductor industry

1. The use of automated robots to reduce costs and improve the quality of the working environment

Not only industrial production enterprises in the industry such as mechanical engineering, industrial machine manufacturing, automobile and motorcycle manufacturing, etc. but also in the electronics and semiconductor industry, have been applying automation robots to the production process to work towards building a smart manufacturing process to improve environmental quality. workplace, minimizing the risk of occupational accidents, making it easier for businesses to comply with rules or standards on occupational safety.

2. Robot application helps to ensure uniformity and increase product quality

Combining robots and automation machinery systems for lean manufacturing, speeding up mass production while ensuring uniformity and high product quality. Moreover, the application of robotic automation in repetitive and high-precision jobs such as electronics industry production will help reduce distractions, boredom, fatigue, attitude, etc. to employees.

3. Using industrial automation robots to increase productivity

Robot is the optimal automation solution to increase production productivity of enterprises through its persistent, non-stop operation. The production cycle of the robot is optimally programmed, making the automated production line without interruption.

4. Increased flexibility in production

The automated production line in the industrial robot application is programmed through the controller, so it is very easy to switch from one mode to another, easily change the process, change product categories and optimize operational stages.

5. Save raw materials and lower product costs

The application of robotic automation in the production of electronic and semiconductor components helps to reduce error and damage products. The automated production stages always ensure accuracy and standards, so the waste of raw materials and spillage is greatly limited. Increasing output and reducing waste will naturally lower product costs.

6. Improve the efficiency of business investment

Robot application helps to optimize production automation processes, save space, thereby reducing the need for land, reducing investment costs in infrastructure and factories.

7. Improve brand reputation, increase business competitiveness

The application of robotic automation in the electronics and semiconductor industry is a solid step to help businesses move towards building smart factories faster. Besides, robots also bring a series of benefits to help businesses meet the exact schedule and quality products according to customer’s requirements. The production operation process minimizes errors, thereby helping businesses improve the brand reputation and increase competitiveness. 

Autotech Machinery - Offers comprehensive and effective automation solutions for industry

Autotech Machinery – Vietnam Autotech Machinery Joint Stock Company is a leading automation and machine manufacturing company in Vietnam; specializes in providing automation solutions, upgrading and improving automated production lines integrated with robots, manufacturing industrial machines on demand in areas such as: electronics, mechanical, mechanical engineering, automobile and motorcycle, F&B, etc.

Robot assembly engineer implements the automated production line upgrade project for a customer

To the present time, we have successfully installed and operated thousands of automation systems for many famous corporate customers in Vietnam such as: Samsung Display, Canon, Sharp, Vsmart, etc. Coming to Autotech, you just need to have a request, our team of experienced engineers is ready to advise and integrate the most optimal automation solutions to meet your business needs.

A team of experienced Autotech engineers accompanies customers to find the most optimal solution

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Contact Autotech experts to get professional advice for your factory & business.

  • Address: No. 11-15, Street 17,  Industry – Urban – Service Complex VSIP Bac Ninh, Dai Dong Commune, Tien Du District, Bac Ninh Province, 16000 Vietnam
  • Hotline: (+84) 903 232 625
  • Email: info@auto-tech.vn

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